- LocationSign in to download the location
- DescriptionJESSE Cassanova will be going over "Strategies for overcoming language and cultural barriers.”
Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1980284 - Websitehttps://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1980284
- CategoriesHAP, Education
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- Mar 252:30 PMNSNP March MingleJoin NSNP for a sundae bar and keychain making! Ice cream, toppings, and craft supplies will be provided. Stop by to meet the board and enjoy a sweet treat :) We can't wait to see everyone there! --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979784
- Mar 253:00 PMPracticePractice schedule for the USF Coed Sailing Team alongside the USF Varsity Women's Team. . . . -Practices are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays ranging from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM on Wednesdays. . -If you have any sailing experience, please email either dajasir@usf.edu (requirement chair) or hporrata@usf.edu (president) to learn about opportunities to join the USF Sailing Team. . . . *Practices are limited to members who have some form of previous sailing experience due to safety concerns and the risks involved in the sport* --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1962909
- Mar 253:30 PMFulbright US Student Program Information Session for Students Taking PSY4931The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the largest exchange program in the world, sending students and alumni abroad for a up to a year to teach English, pursue research or undertake a master’s degree.. . . . . . For those who are considering graduate study abroad (for a one-year program) the Fulbright U.S. Student Program could be an excellent program and funding source to consider.. . . . . . Learn more about graduate study abroad, Fulbright and the application process through USF on Tuesday, March 25 at 3:30pm via a Teams Meeting with Lauren Chambers, the Fulbright Program Advisor for USF. This session is specifically for students enrolled in PSY4931 Career Development in Psychology for summer 2025. If you are not enrolled in this course but interested in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, please email Ms. Chambers directly at lschumac@usf.edu.Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yjg5ODc2MDctZmIwMS00NTQzLWE2ZWItZTc2MmEwZTQ4MGM2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22741bf7de-e2e5-46df-8d67-82607df9deaa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2299fb6cea-28ba-4a1f-ac77-9f90a017f946%22%7d --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1980101
- Mar 253:30 PMTax Help Session (In-person)Assist international students with the process of using Sprintax Forms for tax filing. --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1973952
- Mar 254:00 PMTech WorkshopLearn how to build a personal portifolio using HTML, CSS and JavaScript --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979956
- Mar 254:45 PMUACDC Fletcher Food PantryJoin us at The Well's Kinship Free Market in conjunction with UACDC, to distribute free groceries in our community! This would be held in the parking lot area of the apartment.. . . . IMPORTANT: Also please sign up on https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eadaa2ba2fec70-harvest#/ (signing up for this event will automatically redirect you here).. . . . Volunteers will work to help set up the mobile market (tent, tables, etc), distribute free healthy groceries to neighbors, and break down/pack up once the market is complete. Please wear close-toed shoes and dress for the weather as it is outdoor!. . . . The event will be held every Tuesday afternoon from 4:45 to 6:45, in the parking lot of Uptown Sky, Tampa's newest sliding scale rent apartment building (13603 N 12th St &, E Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33613), 5-7 minutes west of USF campus.. . . . If you have any questions beforehand contact service chair Angela Atta-Armah at attaarmaha@usf.edu. --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1973404