- ACS - American Cancer Society Hope Lodge at Moffitt
- ALC - Sam and Martha Gibbons Alumni Center
- ALN - John and Grace Allen Administration Building
- ALZ - Johnny B. Byrd, Sr. AlzheimerA-s Florida Center and Research Institute
- ATH - Lee Roy Selmon Athletic Center
- AUX - Auxiliary Services
- BEH - Behavioral Sciences
- BKS - USF Bookstore
- BPB - Business Partnerships Building
- BPT - Baptist Student Center
- BSF - Bio Science
- BSN - Business
- CAM - Contemporary Art Museum
- CEE - Gus A. Stavros Center for Economic Education
- CGS - Patel Center for Global Solutions
- CHA - Chapel Center
- CHE - Chemistry
- CIC - Campus Information Center
- CIS - Communication and Information Sciences
- CMC - CAS Multidisciplinary Complex
- CMS - USF Childrens Medical Services
- CPE - Central Plant Electrical Shop
- CPH - USF Health College of Public Health
- CPR - Russell M. Cooper Hall
- CPT - Central Plant
- CRS - Central Receiving
- CRU - USF Federal Credit Union
- CSC - Kiran Patel USF Charter School
- CTH - Catholic Student Center
- CUTR - Center for Urban Transportation Research
- CWY - Charles William Young Hall
- DAC - David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching
- EDU - Education
- EHS - Environmental Health and Safety
- ENA - Engineering Teaching Auditorium
- ENB - Engineering II
- ENC - Engineering III
- ENG - Edgar W. Kopp Building
- ENL - Engineering Lab
- ENR - Engineering Research
- ERC - Education Research Child Care Development
- FAD - Dance
- FAH - Fine Arts
- FAO - Faculty Office Building
- FAS - Fine Arts Studio
- FIT - FIT the HUB-FIT USF RV Wellness
- FPC - Facilities Planning and Construction
- FSB - Pollo Tropical (Sessums Mall)
- GAR - USF Botanical Gardens
- GVA - Greek Housing
- HAA - Holly Apartments
- HAM - Holly Drive Apartments-Offices/Seminar
- HIL - BA-nai BA-rith Hillel House
- HMS - Human Services
- IAE - Institute of Applied Engineering
- IAF - Intercollegiate Athletic Facility
- IDR - Interdisciplinary Research Building
- ISA - Interdisciplinary Science
- JPH - Juniper-Poplar Hall
- LIB - Library
- LRC - Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies
- LSA - Life Science Annex
- MAA - Magnolia Apartments
- MCC - H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
- MDA - USF Health Medical Clinic
- MDC - USF Health College of Medicine
- MDE - USF Health Endoscopy Center
- MDF - Medical Faculty Office Building
- MDH - Carol and Frank Morsani Center for Advanced Health Care
- MDL - USF Health Laboratories
- MDN - USF Health College of Nursing
- MDO - USF Eye Institute and ENT Center
- MDT - USF Health Therapy
- MHA - Westside Conference Center
- MHB - Physical Plant FMHI Operations
- MHC - College of Behavioral & Community Sciences
- MHF - Child and Family Studies
- MPA - Maple Suites
- MSC - Marshall Student Center
- NEC - Continuing Education
- NES - Natural and Environmental Sciences
- NTA - Nano Technology Center
- OPM - Physical Plant Operations
- OSH - University of South Florida OSHA Training Institute Education Center
- PCD - Psychology / Communication Sciences and Disorders
- PDV - Pediatrics
- PED - Physical Education
- PIZ - Anthony Pizzo Elementary School
- PPA - Post Office
- PPB - Grounds and Transportation
- PPC - Maintenance and Service Shops
- PRS - Julian Hawthorn Lifsey House
- PTA - Parking and Transportation Services
- PTB - Parking and Transportation Services
- RAR - Argos Center
- RBC - Betty Castor Hall
- RBE - Beta Hall
- RBN - Beacon USF residential Village Bldg. B
- RCA - Cypress Hall
- RCC - Cypress Apartments
- REC - Campus Recreation Center
- RKO - Kosove Hall
- RPB - Health Informatics Institute
- RPH - Health Informatics Institute
- RPN - Pinnacle Hall
- RSU - Summit USF Residential Village Bldg D
- SCA - Science Center
- SHR - Shriners Hospital for Children
- SHS - Student Health Services
- SOC - Social Science Building
- STA - Soccer and Track Stadium
- STC - South Tampa Center Adv Health Care
- SUN - Yuengling Center (Sun Dome)
- SVC - Student Services
- TAR - Theatre Arts Rehearsal
- THE1 - Theatre I
- THE2 - Theatre II
- TVB - WUSF-TV Channel 16
- UBC - USF Sponsored Research
- UDI - University Chapel Fellowship
- UDI - University Diagnostic Institute
- ULH - University Lecture Hall
- UPB - University Police
- UPC - University Professional Center
- UTA - Research Park
- UTB - University Technology Center 2
- WRB - WUSF-FM 89.7
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